DISIT lab and research group is active since 1994. It is one of the most active ICT labs of the University of Florence, metropolitan Tuscany area. DISIT successfully developed a relevant number of International and National research, development and innovation projects. DISIT provides an infrastructure for cloud and distributed computing. DISIT has coordinated a number of large EC projects, in many others has covered the role of partner, and also coordinating scientific and technical WP and performing activities of dissemination and assessment. DISIT has received a relevant number of awards and is directly involved into top level international conferences, advisory boards, and committees. |
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DISIT research areas: big data, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, distributed systems, formal models, metrics definition and assessment:
![]() ![]() Km4City Production |
DISIT solutions for: user behaviour analysis, multilingual and cross media indexing, user and collective profiling, indoor/outdoor navigation, media synchronisation, matchmaking, audio transcoding, sentient and autonomous agents and tools, open data, linked open data.
(see more on Publications and Current Projects page, see on the left bar of this page for the Conferences in which DISIT is directly involved). See web page of DISIT coordinator Prof. Paolo Nesi
DISIT commitment for the next European Commission Calls are reported below, while major information can be easily recovered by performing a query above, by searching on the web page, projects, documents, papers, deliverables and slides available and indexed on the DISIT Lab web site. The reported links are only to show examples.
DISIT lab may develop original solutions in RIA project as well as solutions grounded on available DISIT tools for specified TRL for IA, inovation action projects:
Big Data, Smart Cities and Distributed Systems:
- massive and parallel computing for big data: models and tools
- noSQL distributed RDF stores for big data deduction, multiple custom indexes for RDF stores
- data anaytics, causality vs correlation, data mining, data fusion and reconciliation
- sensors networks, internet of things
- learning algorithms and methods for data analytics, pattern recognition, prediction, condition detection
- reasoners for: temporal, spatial, natural language
- Origin Destination Matrix for Smart City and user behavior analysis
- DISIT Twitter Vigilance
- see for example projects and tools: Sii-Mobility, RESOLUTE H2020, AXMEDIS
- low and high TRL tools
Smart City models and applications:
- Smart City ontology and tools, Smart City integrated solutions: https://www.disit.org/km4city
- Open data and linked open data: tools, algorithms reasoners
- noSQL distributed RDF stores for big data deduction, multiple custom indexes for RDF stores
- OD and LOD tools for rendering and link discovering
- data mining, data fusion and reconciliation, data harvesting scheduling
- data protection and property management and licensing
- deducting and learning methods for data analytics
- big data structure and tools for smart city
- Origin Destination Matrix for Smart City and user behavior analysis
- DISIT Twitter Vigilance: to follow the users and sentiments on keywords passing on twitter
Smart Decision System, decision support system for smart city based on System Thinking, connected to Km4City model. - indoor/outdoor navigation systems: Mobile Emergency
- Florence data set: see https://LOG.disit.org and https://Servicemap.disit.org (see below)
- see for example projects and tools such as: sii-mobility, Collabora, Mobile Emergency, ... Social Museum and Smart Tourism.
- high TRL tools
Collective Awarness Platforms:
- Social media tools and platforms
- Collective profiling computing, suggestions and recommendations
- Scalable social media platforms, LOD for cultural heritage
- Open data and linked open data: tools (LOG, Service map), algorithms reasoners
- Ontologies for collective communities, knowledge and competences,
- matchmaking (see APREToscana), crowd sourcing
- applications on: mobile, spart TV, tables, etc.
- natural language processing algorithms and tools: profile processing, comments understanding, affective analysis, social media analysis.
- intellectual property right models and tools: see IPR wizard and model
- see for example projects and tools: ECLAP, OSIM, APRETOSCANA
- high TRL tools
- media computing, non linear story player, MyStoryPlayer tool
- recording experiences: navigation, collaboration, etc.
- cross media aggregation, play lists and courses
- cross media multilingual indexing and retrieval
- intelligent cross media content
- collaborative work models and tools: mobile, smart TV, etc.
- mobile and tablet tools for learning and impaired people
- natural language processing tools, for social media, blog, and human discussion analysis and understanding
- see projects: ECLAP, IMAESTRO
- Low and high TRL tools
Smart cloud:
- Cloud ontologies for smart cloud
- Smart Cloud tools and web page with video
- Cloud simulation, verification and validation of resources, configuration
- Dynamic Service Level Agrement for cloud
- Cloud optimization tools for resources, cloud monitoring
- Cloud applications for: education, business, cultural heritage, knowledge management
- Cloud and big data computing integration
- Cloud interoperability and federation
- see for example project and tools of: ICARO cloud
- Low and high TRL tools
Linked Open Graph ServiceMap for LOD Smart City tools
Smart Decision System Origin Destination Matrix Tool Twitter Vigilance