Recent and current projects:
DISIT flyerDistribution of projects over time
- HeritData Interreg project
- MObiMart Interreg project
- SODA regional project with ALTAIR
- 5G: experimentation of 5G technoogy with Wind-3, OpenFiber, ESTRA, Prato, etc.
- Trafair EC project as CEF with Univ Modena..
- MOSAIC, regional project with ALSTOM, Tages, LiberoLogico
- Snap4City EC project selected by Select4Cities
- Weee Life project of the EC with regione Toscana
- Feedback project: with VAR group, TESSILFORM, SICE, Effectiveknowledge. FEEDBACK aims at developing models and tools for assisting the commercial chains, shops and distributors to create more effective experiences in their shops. DISIT lab is developing the data intelligence engine for user tracking and engagement. Project co-funded by the Tuscany Region. (under signature)
- JOIN project: with Ambrogio and other partners. JOIN aims at developing an integrated system for suporting personnel in perofming their work in mobility. DISIT is focussed ondeveloping a part of the Personal Assisstant providing right information in the right context. Project co-Founded by the Tuscany Region.
- direct contracts with ALTAIR (an integrated maintenance solution and IOT). Project co-Founded by the Tuscany Region.
- direct contracts with PCSYSTEM (renovation of their production process). Project co-Founded by the Tuscany Region.
- direct contracts with NOVICROM (optimization of the production process in the manufactury area, optimization of the management of information flow in the factory, factory 4.0 issues). Project co-Founded by the Tuscany Region.
- REPLICATE H2020 project in progress, SCCI: REnaissance of Places with Innovative Citizenship and TEchnolgy, project cofounded by the European Commission.
- RESOLUTE H2020 project DRS7: RESilience management guidelines and Operationalization appLied to Urban Transport Environment, project coordinated by DISIT lab and founded by the European Commission.
- Social Museum and Smart Tourism project, of functionalities and services that allow to live a social cultural experience when visiting a city. The setting for the project takes into account new technologies that tear down the traditional confines of physical museums, offer tailored and customized services for each individual and implement a new generation of intelligent, efficient and eco-sustainable environments for tourism. DISIT lab contributes on this project on: cloud and general architecture, parallel and distributed systems, social media integration, and IPR modeling and management. Connected to the National Technological Cluster on Technologies for Smart Communities.
- TESYSRAIL: National Technological Cluster “Trasporti Italia 2020”, Techniques and Tools for Enhancing Environmental Sustainability of rail transport systems. The purpose of the project is to reduce the environmental impact of a railway system, improving its sensibility both on a vehicle and on an infrastructure point of view. This will also be done reducing the environmental impact of all the subsystem components.
- COLL@BORA social innovation project in smart City: (Paolo Nesi, Scientific coordinator) collaborative and social systems at support hospitals, welfare and relatives with disabilities.
- SII-MOBILITY: (Paolo Nesi, Scientific coordinator, principal investigator) Support of Integrated Interoperability for Services to Citizens and Public Administration, Smart City: Transport and Terrestrial Mobility, Sii-Mobility objectives are the: (i) reduction of social costs of mobility, (ii) simplify the use of mobility systems, (iii) developing working solutions and application, with testing methods, (iv) contribute to standardisation organs, and establishing relationships with other smart cities’ management systems.
- RAISSS research and development project, large size: automatic train protection, driverless trains, ETCS standards, autonomous drivers for railways and control system in projects as, management of railways control software for train management on board and on the infrastructure, high speed trains (cofounded by Regione Toscana, with ECM).
- ICARO research and development project, large size, (Paolo Nesi, Scientific coordinator, principal investigator) cloud automation, optimization and intelligence, smart cloud, cloud simulation. Research in the field of distributed systems (automatic control algorithms, models of development of cloud middleware, semantic computing and intelligence tools for the generation and verification of configuration issues and automated combination of services), operations research (optimization of cost models and management of the cloud). (co-financed by the Region of Tuscany, with Computer Gross, Liberologico and AltroLavoro)
- SACVAR (regional felloship project for researchers): (Paolo Nesi, Scientific coordinator, principal investigator) adavanced solution for knowledge mining and discovering, big data analysis, competence analysis, data mining, knowledge management, natural language porocessing, matchmaking, discovering relationships (cofunding by Regione Toscana and UNIFI) download the DiCCoF flyer
- XMediaCBIR Cross Media Content Based Information Retrieval. Content Based Information Retrieval allows you to test the usage of different CBIR algorithms (selecting them from the list box that appears on the left side, once you selected the first image from the entry page) in finding similarities and thus in producing recommendations among images, video, documents, animations, and thus among CROSS MEDIA coming from ECLAP service and archive (Http:// download the DiCCoF flyer
- Trace-IT Train Control Enhancement via Information Technology (research and develoment project, Paolo Nesi, coordinator for DINFO) The TRACEIT project involves the intervention of DISIT in the phases of requirements analysis, specification modeling and validation of the ERTMS / ETCS and for use in traditional railways and light/metro solutions, even driverless. Aspects are part of the most important work DISIT, the development of autonomous driver known as ATO, Autonomous Train operator. TRACE-IT: automatic train protection, driverless trains, ETCS standards, autonomous drivers for railways and control system in projects as, management of railways control software for traing management on board and on the infrastructure, high speed trains (cofounded by Regione Toscana, with ECM) coordinato da ECM e in collaborazione con CNR Pisa.
ECLAP (as coordinator, principal investigator): EUROPEAN COLLECTED LIBRARY OF ARTISTIC PERFORMANCE, European Commissione Project ICT PSP, focussed on the study, implementation and set up of a Best Practice Network on cultural heritage content on performing art. The project is also going to experiment a set of technologies regarding semantic indexing and management, automated content processing, mobile distribution, multilingual indexing, social networking, multichannel distribution, apple applications, non linear story telling and annotations, semantic processing, integration with EDL Europeana (European Digital Library), OAI-PMH integration and assessment, etc. Innovation selected
Mobile Emergency, (see web page at DISIT, principal investigator) an Apple App for iPhone. A tool to manage emergency in the hospital area. Developed in collaboration with the Maxi Emergency group on Mobile Medicine. The solution also implies the connection with a server to manage the emergencies and the help the people involved in getting the exit and the collecting centers according to model of interventions. Innovation selected
- INEA LAB, "Laboratorio per l'Ingegneria Elettroacustica". Joined lab industry-university.
- Fondazione ICON. A non-profit organization committed to bridge brain studies towards a new computational paradigm: the connectome-inspired computing. This is CON, the International Center of Computational Neurophotonics, founded in July 2011 with the support of LENS (European Laboratory for Non-linear Spectroscopy), the University of Florence and the IBM Foundation.
- OSIM Open Space Innovative Mind: project (Paolo Nesi as principal investigator) (OSIM Service) has as main objective the realization of a portal on which the industries, students and interested researchers can pose questions with the aim of identifying the competences in terms of researchers and groups in the large knowledge of the University of Florence. In the literature, there is a number of systems that have been proposed to solve the above described problem of helping modeling knowledge bases, may be matching the demand (semantic query) against the offer (knowledge about domain). The accessible version is part of a wider project called Open Space Innovative Mind, which has been partially founded by ECRF, Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze. The OSIM project is presently under development.
- Palamede project for Florence University Press, FUP. Web page accessible only from the University Buildings. Re-engineering an OJS solution to make it capable to manage multiple University Press with a certain degree of flexibility and using full multilingual fuzzy search and full document indexing and search.
- MyStoryPlayer model and tools to operform and execute personal experiences as non-linear stories by following temporal and logical relationships formalized via semantic annotations. (DISIT page of MyStoryPlayer) In MyStoryPlayer, any media segment can be an annotation for another media element, the single media may be used as a basis to create an infinite number of media annotations. The user may navigate in the audiovisual annotations, thus creating its own non-linear experience. The resulting solution includes a uniform semantic model, a semantic database, a distribution server for semantic knowledge and media, and MyStoryPlayer to be used in web applications. The solution has been studied and developed as a generalization of the models describing non-linear stories and navigation experiences, as one would appreaciate in navigatin on serials such as Lost, FlashForward, Odissey5, Doctor Who, etc. The solution may be adopted for modeling educational materials such as those that can be created for medical and theatrical environments. Also integrated into ECLAP portal. Download the MyStoryPlayer Flyer.
MIREX 2009 competition: DISIT PAGE, DISIT partecipated to MIREX competition for the 2009, about the polyphonic music transcoding algorithms and tools. Multiple Fundamental Frequency Estimation & Tracking Results. DISIT resulted to be the winner for the Tukey-Kramer HSD Multi-Comparison for Task2B (Piano). Conference 2009. DISIT obtained also very good ranking for the other cathegores with the same algorithms and solutions. Click here If you are interested to the MATHlab code of this project pleasedownload and provide us a citation to our work: F. Argenti, P. Nesi, G. Pantaleo, "Automatic Transcription of Polyphonic Music Based on The Constant-Q Bispectral Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, IEEE Computer Society press, Vol.19, n.6, pp.1610-1630, Aug. 2011.
- project (FIRB project, Italian Minister, Protocollo: RBNE075J8Z Strategic Program in Linguistics ) on Dynamic Italian Language Resources. Creation, deployment and maintenance of a web-based infrastructure aimed at consolidating the teaching of Italian worldwide. will gather and mantain huge amount of documents assembled through crawling techniques. It will be structured following the best practices of the day in corpus linguistics and will allow users to access the most representative use of the Italian language from both a practical and a cultural perspective. The resulting infrastructure will offer web access to language technologies that will allow the user easy access to Italian language use in all relevant domains.
Mobile Medicine Social Network: A multichannel best practice network for medical personnel, best practice network analysis for medical collectivities and activities, social network, definition and implementation of a best practice network and portal to support mobile content distribution on medical area; usage of intelligent content, automated production of medical content for pc and mobile, iPhone, formalization of medical procedures, production of miniapplications for dosage estimation and decision taking support, applications in the areas of: emergency, educational, crirtical conditions, etc. A help page and manual can be accessed via this link, also good to download free production tools. Mobile Medicine provides a lot of semantic computing innovative features: recommendations to users about similar users and content, perform fuzzy search on the whole knowledge base system, collect your content and automatically publish them on the network, provide an organizer for your content on your windows mobile PDA, etc. Innovation selected
- XMF: cross media finder, a multichannel social network, based on AXMEDIS technology, suitable for PC, PDA (windows mobile) and for mobiles. It allows to distribute MPEG-21 content towards PC, mobiles, PDA, etc. It includes an automated back office to cope with user generated content. This is based on AXMEDIS AXCP tools.
AXMEDIS IST FP6 Integrated Projects (as coordinator, principal investigator),, AXMEDIS consortium (producers, aggregators, distributors and researcher) created the AXMEDIS framework, with innovative methods and tools to speed up and optimise content production and distribution, for production-on-demand. The AXMEDIS acronym stands for Automating Production of Cross Media Content for Multichannel Distribution. AXMEDIS created new knowledge, technology and tools in the area of automated production and protection of cross media content with technologies of MPEG-21 (DRM, digital rights management), P2P, GRID, cloud computing, content and metadata modelling, semantic modelling and execution, object intelligence.The AXCP Media grid is an Innovation selected
INNOVAZIONE SELEZIONATA DA ITALIA DEGLI INNOVATORI. A number of SHOW CASES have been produced for VOD, distribution on satellite, distirbution on Museum, distirbution on mobiles, etc. They can be accessed via AXMEDIS portal. The project has attracted a lot of attention from content producer and distributors. Presently about 45 partners joined to access at the AXMEDIS framework. Among the AXMEDIS partners: University of Florence, the AFI phonographic association, FHG-IGD, University of Cataluña, University of Leeds, BBC, TISCALI, HP, EUTELSAT, SEJER, SDAE, Telecom Italia, Telecom Lithuania, Telecom Estonia, EXITECH MBI, EPFL, ASNC, ILABS Giunti, University of Reading, ACIT, KTU, University of Peking, ETRI Korea, VRS Lithuania and many other affiliated partners such as SIAE, RIGEL GESFOR, HEXAGLOBE, PENTEX, etc. see for exploitation AXMEDIATECH. see for picture and content demontration XMF. AXMEDIS tools are distributed by thousands of web sites and cna be taken from AXMEDIS web page. The most downloaded are the AXMEDIS tools for PDA and mobile and P2P.
I-MAESTRO: IST FP6, STREP project, (as architecture coordinator). i-Maestro will utilise and improve upon current standards related to music education. The project aims to explore a unified educational model to maximise efficiency, motivation and interests in the learning processes and to contribute to the (i) deployment and improvement of ISO MPEG-SMR (Symbolic Music Representation) to support music education, (ii) the implementation of music notation/representation into MPEG-4, (iii) production of guidelines on how the music tuition courseware can be implemented in standard tools and models for distance learning.
VARIAZIONI e-contentPlus project on the set up and usage of a content enrichment service on music based content by using solutions based on: MPEG-21 based, content processing GRID based, versioning management, DRM, collaborative content enrichment, content annotation, ; Exploiting AXCP technology.
- MUSICNETWORK IST FP5 (as coordinator), Thematic Network, Technology Transfer, to reduce the technological gap from technology providers and content owners and distributors. A network of FP5 on which we have about 850participants, 10 working groups, 230 industries, etc. All the value chains of content and music industry are represented. (concluded)
MPEG AHG on Music Notation, co-chair (with G. Zoia, EPFL) and management of the Ad Hoc Group of MPEG on Music Notation with EPFL. (concluded as a full ISO standard into MPEG-4, as part 23).
M3W: MultiMedia MiddleWare, MPEG ISO, definition of a middleware for consumer electronics devices such as PVR, DVD, etc., DISIT lab has defined the remoting and communication capabilities among devices; (concluded as a standard)
WEDELMUSIC IST 1999 R&D FP5 (WEB delivering of music scores) (as coordinator), In this case, several innovations were added, XML models, secure transactions models, distribution models, certification of clients, multimedia content models, watermarking of symbolic content like music but could be text. XML modelling, transactions, watermarking audio and image score, synchronisation of media, Z39.50, UNIMARC, etc. It has generated also a series of conferences. Every month about 100 of the WEDELMUSIC related tools are freely downloaded. Presently it is distributed in Open Source. Relevant installations are present in Milan and Fiesole. (concluded in the 6/2002), it has been "adopted" by ADOPT-IT.
- WEDELAUTHORING: internal project for creating an educational platform and tools for music education, distance teaching, e-learning of music. The platform is based on the integration of WEDELMUSIC with standard de-facto Authoring tools such as Authorware, Director, WEB Browsers, etc. The core of this project is presently used in OPENDRAMA IST project of other partners. The first version of WEDELMUSIC for Aurthoring is avaialbe on download area. (concluded)
IMUTUS IST 2000 R&D FP5 IST (Integrated systems for distance learning and teaching of music). Educational project for creating tool for distance learning of music: Optical Music recognition, image processing, object recognition, artificial intelligence solutions and languages for estimating the hand position. (concluded)
MOODS HPCN ESPRIT IV Technology Transfer demonstrator project (Music Object Oriented Distributed Systems) (as coordinator), , MOODS consists in an integrated system of computer-based lecterns/stands for co-operative editing of music score and visualisation of music score. CSCW, on mobile systems. Music Notation, cooperative work, distributed systems, real time synchronisation, electronic lecterns, table PC, etc. (concluded in the 1998)
- IMEASY HPCN ESPRIT IV Technology Transfer demonstrator project (Integrated Multiprocessor Expandable Audio Spatialisation System), , signal processing and 3D modelling of the space. (concluded in the 1999)
- Cooperative Mobile applications and Middleware based on P2P technologies on PDA, client server applications based on PDA.
- Security Portal: a local project with Firenze Tecnologie for the scientific and technological support for the production of content for a Portal on Information Technology Security.
- LIOO: Lectern Interactive Object Oriented, a class framework for music applications (concluded)
- MOOVI: a class framework for Object Oriented applications under MOTIF (DSI project, concluded)
Industrial Automation, real time systems, formal methods:
- TRACE-IT: (progetto PAR FAS 2007-2013, azione 1.1 PIR 11B, in corso) sistemi di segnalamento ferroviario. Le specifiche del sistema di segnalamento interoperabile europeo ERTMS/ETCS sono in evoluzione. Il sistema di protezione della marcia (ATP) ERTMS/ETCS prevede 3 Livelli. Nel contempo, nel contesto dei Sistemi di ferrovia leggera e di metropolitana si è sviluppata una tecnologia di riferimento universalmente riconosciuta nella denominazione Communication Based Train Control (CBTC), che prevede una intensa comunicazione tra SottoSistemi di terra e di bordo. Gli obiettivi sono lo studio e la definizione di modelli formali per il segnalamento ferroviario.
- MESA research contract: research contract about the development of algorithms and solution of the evaluation of the number of passing people into interlocked doors for banks and other locations under security control.
- INDEX-DSP: Multiprocessor system for industrial applications (industrial research agreement) (concluded).
- ESPRIT III MEPI DIM 45 OFCOMP, study and realisation of computer vision algorithms and custom processors chips for detecting and counting the moving objects. They can be simple object of moving peoples. The applications counted moving people getting in-out the bus. The solution has been based on Optical Flow algorithms and stream analysis, real time solving partial differential equation, special VLSI design, etc. (the so called RETIMAC chip).
- TETRAPC TTN HPCN ESPRIT IV, Technology Transfer node of High Performance Computing and Networking. DISIT has been involved as a subcontract of CESVIT, Agency for High Tech in Tuscany, to stimulate the technology transfer in the area of High Performance Computer Networking.
- MUPAAC HPCN ESPRIT IV, distributed systems for the control of the automatic machine tools. DSI has played the role of technology providers, defining the flexible architecture or MUPACC, hardware and software definition, parallel architecture for automatic control, PCI, CANBUS, etc.
- ICCOC HPCN ESPRIT IV, distributed systems for the automatic control of island of production. Continued with project SAMOPROS: Optimisation process for the production process, TABOO search, genetic algorithm, distributed control system, etc.
- SAMOPROS: project of MIUR, National Ministry about the adoption of Object oriented models and optimisation algorithms for the plan management and optimisation of the production process in islands of production including milling machines, robots, automated storages, Taboo Search, Genetic Algorithms, etc. java based distributed applications for the direct control of the entire plant.
- CAT1: Computer vision detection of defects and their classification on text style, algorithms for the real time detection of defects, metrics for classification of defects, real time processing. Research activity in a larger project.
- CAT2: Vision Based measuring and classification of colours, uniform and patterned colours on textures. Research activity in a larger project.
- CVDEMC: Real time detection and measuring of cavitation in turbomachineries by using computer vision. Research activity in a larger project.
- CANBUSxTEXTILE: CAN BUS solutions for Textile machines with TECNOTESSILE (Prato) and SED, monitoring the textile production with computer vision systems on distirbuted architecture.
- VISICON IST EUTIST FP5, a distributed vision system for the assessment of quality of produced material in industrial manufacturing. Image processing algorithms for detecting and assessing quality of mechanical parts produced in real time. A Flexible architecture for distributed quality control, connection via TCP/IP and real time processing. Quality of Clincing machine
- OPTAMS IST EUTIST FP5, a system for monitoring and optimising the production process of manufacturing industries. The optimisation process is based on Taboo search (Genetic solution has been also produced) of a complex multi-constrained job shop problem
- TILCO-EXECUTOR, TILCO-PLC: the application of formal methods for the industrial control, direct execution of PLC programs with temporal logics. Direct real time execution of formal specification in TILCO temporal logic (temporal interval logic, , for embedded systems, real time system specification and execution. Development of an integrated development tool for integrating the real time execution of TILCO logic into C++ applications
- Reengineering Control systems (several different contracts with industries), from interpolation to modularisation of control: enforcing real time behaviour in Windows based control systems, object oriented modelling of numerical controls and managing their configuration, production and insertion of interpolations algorithm, definition of general software and hardware architecture, managing and real time interpreting PLC equation
- QUACK project, Specification and verification tools for the Integration of Temporal Logic and traditional programming, a national project on the definition of models and methods for the specification, verification and testing of embedded real time systems. The project is based on formal models. DISIT in this case used TILCO (temporal interval logic, ) for the specification and execution of control and management algorithms for embedded systems
Other Projects:
- PROGED: IFTS 2014-2015, corso in progettazione di database
- Master in Sound Engineering, University of Florence, started in the 2008 in collaboration with Procia di Firenze, Fondazione Sistema Toscana, IMAIE, SIAE, AFI, Computer Music, etc.
- SSIS Course 2005
- PRODIGI: IFTS 2005-2006 course
- O3MR, realisation of an optical music recognition system integrated into WEDELMUSIC Editor,a tool for extracting music from image of scores (partially supported by Hewlett and Packard) assessing optical music recognition tools.
- Restoring and digitising Music sheet and audio sources
- DIGITALIS: digitisation of audio and images of music. Educational and applicative project., Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Conservatorio di Firenze, ITIS Meucci. (concluded)
- MULTIMEDIA: design and implementation of a multimedia CD for teaching fundamentals of informatics (Univ: Pisa, Firenze, Siena) (concluded)
- TAC++, a tool for Assessment of C++ Applications, Effort estimation and prediciton, fault proneness estimation and prediction, quality estimation, process and product assessment. Object-oriented metrics for effort estimation and prediction, for maintenance effort estimation and prediciton, for quality analysis (concluded)
- C2O2: a tool for Object-Oriented reengineering of COBOL application (concluded)